Norman Lacayo, MD

"Our institution and POETIC consortium provide a nurturing environment that makes collaboration easy, and quickly brings new therapies for children at all our sites."
Associate Professor at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford
Norman Lacayo, MD received his BA in Biochemistry from UC Berkeley, and his MD from UC San Francisco School of Medicine (UCSF). He completed his residency in Pediatrics at UCSF and fellowship in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/Stem Cell Transplantation at Stanford University. Dr. Lacayo is currently an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, a member of the Stanford Cancer Institute, and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford (LPCHS). At LPCHS he is the Co-Director of the Leukemia Program and Interim Oncology Section Leader. Dr. Lacayo's research focuses on the discovery and evaluation of new biomarkers in childhood acute leukemia. He actively collaborates with the Children's Oncology Group, led the ADVL0114 study using Decitabine for relapse and refractory leukemia, and is currently a member of the COG Myeloid Committee. Also participated in the St. Jude AML Consortium Trials AML02, AML08 and AML16. Dr. Lacayo became the first institutional PI for the Pediatric Oncology Experimental Therapies Investigational Consortium (POETIC) group in October 2015.